COVID-19 misinformation: UN Chief for rejecting lies, nonsense


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday said with common cause for common sense and facts, they can defeat COVID-19 — and build a healthier, more equitable, just and resilient world.
“Together, let’s reject the lies and nonsense out there,” he said in a message on COVID-19 and Misinformation
The UN chief announced a new United Nations Communications Response initiative to flood the Internet with facts and science while countering the growing scourge of misinformation-a poison that is putting even more lives at risk.
As the world fights the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – the most challenging crisis, the UN chief said they have faced since the Second World War – they are also seeing another epidemic-a dangerous epidemic of misinformation.
“Around the world, people are scared. They want to know what to do and where to turn for advice,” he said adding that this is a time for science and solidarity.
“Yet the global ‘misinfo-demic’ is spreading. Harmful health advice and snake-oil solutions are proliferating. Falsehoods are filling the airwaves. Wild conspiracy theories are infecting the Internet,” he said.
The UN chief said hatred is going viral, stigmatizing and vilifying people and groups. “The world must unite against this disease, too.”
Guterres said the vaccine is trust and trust in science.
“I salute the journalists and others fact-checking the mountain of misleading stories and social media posts,” he said adding that social media companies must do more to root out hate and harmful assertions about COVID-19.
Second, he said, trust in institutions – grounded in responsive, responsible, evidence-based governance and leadership.
“And trust in each other. Mutual respect and upholding human rights must be our compass in navigating this crisis,” said the UN chief.
