UN announces $5m flood aid for Bangladesh


News Desk :
The United Nations has announced an allocation of $5 million in flood relief for people affected by the severe flooding in Bangladesh’s northeastern districts.
The aid money will come from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, the organisation said at a media briefing in Dhaka on Thursday, reports bdnews24.com
Martin Griffiths, under-secretary-general for the UN’s Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, had previously announced an allocation of $5 million for flash flood relief after a coordinated appeal by the UN country team in Bangladesh.
Over 7.2 million people have been affected by recent floods in the North East of the country and over half of those affected need humanitarian assistance, the UN said.
The funding aims to kick-start relief efforts in a coordinated manner. The focus of the CERF rapid response request is to provide immediate assistance to the most vulnerable households.
The UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Gwyn Lewis reflected on her recent visit to the flood-affected areas.
“The scale of the floods in the region is more dramatic than any that have been experienced in recent memory. Many families have literally lost everything they own. Many are still living in shelters.”
“The floods waters are receding very slowly and their homes are completely destroyed. There is an urgent need to scale up our support to the government’s emergency response,” she added.
The money brings the current funding of the Humanitarian Response Plan to $12 million, which is approximately 20 percent of the $58.4 million that was identified as necessary
to tackle the crisis, the UN said.
The UN is supporting the government by delivering food assistance, drinking water, cash, emergency drugs, water purification tablets, dignity and hygiene kits to the affected families.
