Uma Thurman reveals teenage abortion


Uma Thurman has revealed she had an abortion in her late teens as she criticised the ‘horror’ of Texas’s new ban. The 51-year-old actress said she is opening up about her ‘darkest secret’ for the first time in a bid to draw “the flames of controversy away from vulnerable women on whom this law will have an immediate effect.” The law, which came into force earlier this month, bans abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity, which is typically around six weeks. Writing in The Washington Post, Thurman said she had watched the course of the new law with ‘great sadness’ and ‘something akin to horror.’ The movie star then revealed how she accidentally fell pregnant in her late teens with an older man and, despite wanting to keep the baby, ultimately chose to have an
abortion for various reasons, including being unable to provide a stable home at that stage in her life. Thurman described the ‘shame’ she internalised as she went through with the procedure, adding, “There is so much pain
in this story. It has been my
darkest secret until now.”
