ULAB student at MUN’ 2017 conference

Campus Report :
Kazi Raihanul Bari Rifat, a student of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) represented Bangladesh at ‘South European Model United Nations 2017’ (SEIMUN’17) organized by the United Nations Student Association (UNSA) held in Granada, Spain recently.
Additionally, he also joined “Catalonia Model United Nations 2017” (C’MUN) organized by the United Nations Association of Spain (ANUE) in Barcelona, Spain from 11th May 2017 till 14th May 2017. He participated at this conference in 2016 and this is his second time being invited to this conference. His diligent work and dedication towards diplomacy and international relations helped him fly to Europe for the second time and get solicitations from two of the most prestigious conferences of Europe which had the presence of individuals such as Dr Enrique Barón, 16th President of the European Parliament; Dr Francisco Cuenca, Mayor of Granada; Eduard Sagarra Trías, President of the the United Nations Association of Spain and many other important individuals.