UK’s Labour has one-point lead over Conservatives: Poll

Reuters, London :
Britain’s opposition Labour Party has taken a 1 percentage point lead over Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservatives, according to a YouGov opinion poll published on Friday, though still within the poll’s margin of error.
The poll, published by the Sun newspaper, gave Ed Miliband’s Labour Party 34 percent versus the Conservatives 33 percent, both down one point from Thursday.
The poll showed the anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP) with 14 percent and Cameron’s current junior coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats with 8 percent.
The two main parties have been neck-and-neck in most opinion polls since the start of the year, with neither establishing a sustained lead exceeding the three-point margin of error.
Opinion polls have consistently shown that neither of the two main parties is likely to win an overall majority in the 650-seat Parliament.