Ukrainian filmmaker Dar Gai to make Bollywood debut

Her last two directorial ventures Teen Aur Aadha and Namdev Bhau: In Search of Silence became festival favourites and Ukranian filmmaker Dar Gai (Daria Gaikalova) is now ready to go the Bollywood way. Dar, who first came to India on an invite to direct a play at Scindia School in Gwalior, hopes she will get a much better understanding of Indian cinema after she starts working on the film. “I have currently five feature films in pipeline. One of them is a Bollywood film. It will be much more commercial than my previous films. It would be interesting for me to see how would I adapt to that style of filmmaking,” the director said. Her film Namdev Bhau… was the opening film at the festival and received thundering response from the audience.