Ukraine tensions: Russia sees room for diplomacy


BBC Online :
Russia’s EU ambassador has told the BBC his country still believes diplomacy can help de-escalate the crisis over Ukraine.
Vladimir Chizhov said his country had no intention of invading anybody, but warned it was important not to provoke Russia into changing its mind.
It comes after a flurry of diplomatic activity on Monday and Tuesday.
Russia has repeatedly denied any plans to invade Ukraine.
But with well over 100,000 troops massed
near the Ukrainian border, some Western countries including the US have warned that a Russian attack could come at any time.
After two days of intense diplomacy led by French President Emmanuel Macron, there is some suggestion that a renewed focus on the so-called Minsk agreements – which aim to end the conflict with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine – could be used as a basis to defuse the current crisis.
