Brexit issue: UK sees opportunity to do more with BD

UNB, Dhaka :
The United Kingdom (UK) sees a real opportunity to do more on trade, development and other areas in the longer term with Bangladesh as the UK formally leaves the European Union (EU) on Friday.
“There’s an increasing focus in the UK on the opportunities,” British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Robert Chatterton Dickson told reporters at his residence on Thursday mentioning that they will explore how they can best trade with Bangladesh.
The High Commissioner wants to see it as an “opportunity” to do more as the UK seeks to deepen its relationship with global partners in the future.
The UK will immediately enter into an 11-month transition period after Brexit and during the transition period, the UK will continue to obey EU rules and pay money to the EU.
As a least developed country, Bangladesh benefits from the most favourable regime available under the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP), namely the Everything but Arms (EBA) arrangement.
EBA grants the 48 LDCs – including Bangladesh – duty-free quota-free access to the EU for exports of all products, except arms and ammunition.
The UK will be able to start talking to countries around the world about setting new rules for buying and selling goods and services.