UK sees Bangladesh as “critical stability provider” in Indo-Pacific


The United Kingdom (UK) has recognized Bangladesh’s role as a “critical stability provider” in the region, and its particular relevance in the context of the UK’s integrated foreign, trade, development and security policy review with focus on the Indo-Pacific.
Bangladesh and the UK agreed to remain engaged on a durable solution to the Rohingya crisis, together with relevant regional and international actors.
The two countries discussed the bilateral, regional and global issues at the 4th Strategic Dialogue held in London on Thursday.
Both delegations exchanged views on the evolving situation in Afghanistan.
Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen led the Bangladesh delegation at the talks while his British counterpart Sir Philip Barton, Permanent Under-Secretary of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) led the UK side.
The Bangladesh Foreign Secretary urged the UK to review the current travel restrictions on Bangladesh as a matter of priority, considering the steady improvement in the Covid-19 infection and vaccination rates.
The two sides agreed to further scale up cooperation in genome sequencing of the testing samples through relevant Bangladesh agencies.
Bangladesh and the United Kingdom reaffirmed their historic and multidimensional ties at the 4th Strategic Dialogue.
“Bangladesh at 50 and the UK post-Brexit have the opportunity to further energize our bilateral relations in line with our efforts at resetting our foreign policy pursuit towards deeper strategic engagement with key
international partners”, said Masud Momen. Barton underlined the importance of the two democracies engaging with each other on a range of bilateral, regional and global issues.
The two sides recalled the founding of the bilateral relations during Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s visit to London on January 8, 1972 on his way to the newly independent Bangladesh, when he was received by the British Prime Minister Edward Heath.
Both Bangladesh and the UK renewed their commitment to climate action, including by combining forces of the UK’s COP26 Presidency and Bangladesh’s leadership of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).
They decided to build on the bilateral climate partnership agreed earlier in the year to help mobilize finances and technologies to support Bangladesh’s efforts at pursuing a low-carbon development pathway.
The two delegations exchanged views on cooperation on education, with particular focus on girls’ education in the aftermath of the pandemic.
The UK further explained its new immigration policy whereby overseas students would have the opportunity to work for two to three years following the completion of their studies.
The two countries agreed to explore ways to deepen cross-border collaboration in research and innovation.
The Bangladesh delegation urged the UK to consider continued trade preferential measures following its LDC graduation. They agreed to facilitate further business-to-business connectivity, including through the leading Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Both sides welcomed the launch of the bilateral Trade and Investment Dialogue in February 2021.
