UK Minister Swayne due Aug 23

UNB, Dhaka :
Minister of State for International Development, UK Desmond Swayne is scheduled to arrive here on August
23 on a three-day visit to see UK’s support is contributing to the growth of Bangladesh and helping people reduce poverty.
Confirming the visit, a senior government official here told UNB that the UK minister will visit a readymade garment industry, Korail slum in the city and UK-funded projects in Dhaka and outside Dhaka
during his stay in Bangladesh. Swayne will also meet a diverse range of people, including ministers and senior government officials, to share views on the development agenda and discuss how UK can help Bangladesh achieve its ambition to become a middle-income country.
Before wrapping up his three-day visit, the UK minister will meet the press in the city. Swayne TD was appointed as Minister of State at the Department for International Development on July 15, 2014. He was elected Conservative MP for New Forest West, in Hampshire, in 1997.