Field about Tarique: UK makes no comment on individual cases

UNB, Dhaka :
British Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific Mark Field has reiterated his government’s position not to comment on individual cases though Bangladesh seeks the UK support to bring back convicted BNP leader Tarique Rahman from London.
“It’s the policy of the UK government not to comment on individual immigration cases,” he said on Sunday when asked about the progress of sending back Tarique to Bangladesh.
While talking to a small group of journalists at a
city hotel, Minister Field said there has been an application and it will be dealt with according to the UK law if a request is submitted.
He also mentioned that it is not the politicians to decide saying their courts and police are independent on this matter.
On March 27, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen said the government wants to bring back all the convicted criminals from abroad and implement the court verdicts as per the law of the land.
“Efforts are going on,” he told reporters when asked about the progress over bringing back convicted BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman from the UK and Noor Chowdhury, one of Bangabandhu’s convicted killers, from Canada.
Tarique Rahman has been living in London for the last 10 years.