UK firm to draw master plan of Paira port

BSS, Dhaka :
A UK based research firm HR Wallingford: Civil Engineering and Environmental Hydraulic will draw the conceptual master plan and provide the technical support to implement the Paira Port Project at Ramnabad in Lebukhali under Patuakhali.
The Paira Port Authority (PPA) and HR Wallingford UK Wednesday exchanged an agreement today at the Ministry of Shipping conference room, said a release.
Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan, Chairman of Chittagong Port Authority Rear Admiral Mohammad Nizamuddin Ahmed, UK High Commissioner Robert Gibson and HR Wallingford leader Tim Chaser were present. Rear Admiral Mohammad Nizamuddin Ahmed and Tim Chaser signed the deal yesterday on behalf of PPA and HR Wallingford at PPA office in the city.
The consulting firm will prepare a complete conceptual master plan for the Paira port project by next nine months which will cost Taka 18.36 crore.