UK clarifies fresh travel alert


The British High Commission in Dhaka yesterday called the UK’s fresh travel advice involving Bangladesh as a “routine update” of advisories “which did not scale up the security risks”.”It is just an update of our routine advisory for travelers intending to visit Bangladesh,” a spokeswoman of British High Commission in Dhaka told BSS a day after the UK updated their travel advice.Asked if the fresh advice intended to discourage British nationals to visit Bangladesh she said “of course not”.While issuing the alert yesterday, the British government statement simultaneously pointed out that “up to 75,000 British nationals visit Bangladesh every year. Most visits are trouble free”.Explaining further the alert, another British High Commission official said the UK authorities regularly update advisories for its nationals intending to visit abroad to help them take “informed decision regarding overseas tours”.”These advisories are regularly issued for British nationals and the yesterday’s one was not meant to scale up the previously issued alert on September 28.
