UK- based education fair held

Chittagong Bureau :
 A daylong education fair titled ” Education UK Exhibition-2015″ held at hotel Peninsula in the port city yesterday . British council, Chittagong branch arranged the fair at Ginia hall of the hotel. City Mayor M Manzoor Alam inaugurated the 11th such education fair in the city as Chief Guest.
The fair begins at 10 am which continued upto 6 pm, sources said. 13 enlightened higher education institution duly recognized by the UK universities participated the fair. Beside the students, the guardians also participated the fair.
Project Manager of the fair M Zahiruddin said the main aim of the fair is to save the students from decivers who m islead the students in the name of higher education in UK.
The fair disseminate the different informations of curriculum of undergraduate , graduate course, scholarships, research and other hospitalities abroad. Project Manager further told that the s econd UK Education fair will be arranged at Sylhet on February 18 next .