UCEP arranges job fair in Rajshahi


City Desk :

A day-long job fair was arranged in Rajshahi with participation of many employing organizations and job seekers.
The fair paved the way of getting jobs for over 100 graduates enriched with technical and vocational knowledge. Rajshahi Regional office of UCEP Bangladesh hosted the fair on the twenty-fifth instant at its Paba Santoshpur complex in Rajshahi.
Commissioner of Rajshahi division GSM Zafarullah and Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank Jagannat Chandra Ghosh addressed the ceremony as chief and special guests respectively with Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Kolyan Chowdhury in the chair. UCEP Director Didarul Anam Chowdhury, Regional Director Shahinul Islam and local unit chairman of Bangladesh Women Entrepreneurs Association of Bangladesh Anjuman Ara also spoke on the occasion, reports BSS.
More than 35 companies including famous ones offered jobs after taking curriculum vitae from students and interviewing them on the spot.
In his remarks, Commissioner GSM Zafarullah said expansion and promotion of technical and vocational education and training among the youths both male and female is critically important for transforming them into skilled human resources.
He attributed technical education to building competent and skilled human resources.
He added that the present government under the dynamic and farsighted leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has attached top priority on technical and vocational education for generating competent workforces.
He also said the youth forces have been building a Digital Bangladesh through e-commerce as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is extending all support to make them apt in ICT.
Anjuman Ara said the concerned institutions should work together to bridge the existing gap between industry and training institutes.
At the same time, in order to make the youth proficient in various professions, they need to be given proper training. To this end, industry and training institutions must come forward and work together.
