UCB recently donates 1000 pcs of trolley to HSIA, Dhaka. M A Sabur, Chairman of UCB handed over the trolleys to Chairman of Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Vice Marshal, Ehsanul Gani Choudhury, GUP, ndu, psc. Civil Aviation & Tourism Minister, Rashed Khan Menon attended the event as Chief Guest.

UCB recently donates 1000 pcs of trolley to HSIA, Dhaka. M A Sabur, Chairman of UCB handed over the trolleys to Chairman of Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Vice Marshal, Ehsanul Gani Choudhury, GUP, ndu, psc. Civil Aviation & Tourism Minister, Ra
UCB recently donates 1000 pcs of trolley to HSIA, Dhaka. M A Sabur, Chairman of UCB handed over the trolleys to Chairman of Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Vice Marshal, Ehsanul Gani Choudhury, GUP, ndu, psc. Civil Aviation & Tourism Minister, Ra

