U-10 School Handball Tournament begins today


The under-10 School Handball Tournament (boys’ & girls) begins today (Thursday) at the Shaheed Captain M Mansur Ali Handball Stadium.
Head of Marketing and Sales of Pran RFL confectionary Limited AKM Mainul Islam will formally inaugurate the meet as the chief guest.
Sponsored by Pran RFL and organised by Bangladesh Handball Federation (BHF), a total of 24 metropolis schools — 14 of boys’ and 10 of girls’– are participating in the meet.
Pran RFL has given Taka 80,000.00 out of the total tournament budget of Taka 1,10,000.00 to run the tournament.
In this regards, a press conference was held on Wednesday at the BHF office room to give all details of the meet.
BHF general secretary Asaduzzaman Kohinoor, Pran Confectionary Limited head of marketing and sales AKM Moinul Islam, game organising committee’s chairman Farhana Haque were present, among others, on the occasion.
