Readers' Forum: Two unbeatable records

On December 16, 2013 Bangladesh made world’s largest human flag in which 27117 people took part. Then on March 26, 2014 Bangladesh made another world record, 2.5 lakh people sang the national anthem together. In the two events we have to spend a huge amount of money, we heard for singing the national anthem more than 50 crore taka has been spent and we do not know how much money had been spent for the human flag.
But do we really need to make records of this sort, national anthem is in the hearts of 16 crore people and we have made two records in the past which we think no one will be able to break.
Our sons gave their life for their mother tongue, and February 21, is observed throughout the world as ‘The International Mother Language Day’.
Then our liberation war, only in nine months our freedom fighters were able to free the country and give us a sovereign country.
Other records are insignificant to the above mentioned feats, so why spend so much money which could have been used for other purposes?

Nur Jahan