Two sweepers stabbed to death in Faridpur

Staff Reporter :
Two sweepers were allegedly stabbed to death by unidentified miscreants when they (sweepers) were discharging their duties on the Khabashpur Miapara Road in Alipur Harijan Polli of Faridpur district town early Friday.
Police recovered the bodies from the area in the morning.
The deceased were identified as Manik Jamaddar, 28, and his brother-in-law Bharat Jamaddar, 23, residents of Alipur Harijan Polli of the town, police said.
Quoting the relatives of the deceased, Kotwali Police Station Sub-Inspector (SI) Enayet Hossain said that locals spotted the bodies on the road when they were going to mosque for Fajr prayers around 5:30am.
On information, police recovered the bodies and sent them to Faridpur Medical College and Hospital morgue for an autopsy.
The bodies bore several stab marks. They might have been stabbed to death when they were cleaning the road in the morning.
The SI said that some miscreants were threatening Manik and asking him not to clean the roads at midnight and they might have committed the murders. A case has been filed in this connection, the police official said.