Panga Motukpur Vocational High School in Nilphamari: Two rival supers create deadlock , teachers, staff not getting salary, edn hampered

Atowar Rahman, Nilphamari :
Two disputed superintendents of Panga Motukpur Vocational High School in Domar Upazila appointed by separate authorities sitting side by side in office room and giving contrary directives to teachers and staff as claiming each as genuine institutional head causing collapse of academic and administrative activities.
As result , Upazila Accounts Department suspended payment to teachers and staff under Government’s Money Payment Order (MPO) for five months and at its consequence students’ presence fallen drastically.
Talking to teachers and guardians, it is learnt that school management committee (SMC) in a resolution appointed senior teacher Erfanul Islam as Acting Superintendent in 2003.
After serving for 12 years, Erfanul applied to resign on 30 December, 2015 on personal ground.
The SMC headed by the then UNO Sabiha Sultana unanimously accepted prayer and appointed Abdul Mannan, next senior teacher as new acting super.
But eight months after resignation, Erfanul again filed petition on 16 October, 2016 to reinstate him which was rejected by SMC earlier.
School Inspector of Vocational Education Board Abdul Kuddus as per Erfanul’s prayer, wrote to SMC headed by present UNO Umme Fatima on 19 April, 2019 asking to reinstate him.
Accordingly, as SMC tenure was over , UNO in an executive order on June 3 reinstated Erfanul and directed existing super Abdul Mannan to hand over responsibilities.
But as per ministry directive, inspector Abdul Kuddus in another letter to UNO on 11 June, cancelled previous order making Abdul Mannan to refuse hand over responsibility.
Mannan said to this correspondent, “SMC headed by previous UNO unanimously appointed me as acting super with board approval and there is no question of my genuinely.
On the the other hand, Erfanul Islam said, “UNO as executive head appointed me as acting superintendent but Mannan yet to hand over responsibility creating deadlock.”
Teacher Dharoni Kanto said, “We’re bewildered thinking how to celebrate Durga Puja festival as salary of all 22 hindu, muslim teachers and staffs suspended for five months.”
Students of class-10 Mesbahul Miskat and Sathi Akhtar alleged, “Our school with 270 students don’t hold regular classes as none cares though SSC test and JSC exams imminant.”
Deputy Commissioner, Nilphamari Hafizir Rahman Chowdhury on contact said, This unwanted situation in such reputed school hampers academic activities and I have requested authority concerned for directive as all teachers sat with me couples of days ago.