Two more doctors die from COVID-19 in Dhaka


Bangladesh has registered the death of two more medical professionals from COVID-19, raising the body count among doctors to 22.
Dr Shakhawat Hossain, 43, a consultant in Islami Bank Hospital’s anaesthesia department, breathed his last at a Rampura hospital at 8 am Monday.
Hossain contracted the disease after visiting a patient at the hospital. After his test positive for COVID-19, he was admitted to a hospital in Rampura, said Islami Bank Hospital official ASM Zafar Ullah.
Dr Sultana Razia, 60, a private practitioner, passed away around 7:30 am on Monday, according to the Bangladesh Medical Association.
Razia, an alumnus of Mymensingh Medical College, had lived abroad for a long time before returning home and started her private practice, said BMA Office Secretary Dr Mohammed Sheikh Shahidullah.
BMA President Dr Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin and Secretary General Dr Md Ihteshamul Haque expressed their condolences over Sultana’s death.
On Jun 4, the Foundation for Doctors Safety Rights and Responsibilities reported the deaths of 18 doctors from COVID-19 across the country. Besides, five more had died with coronavirus symptoms, it said.

