Two minor brothers killed in Morrelganj


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Two minor brothers were killed by some miscreants in the village Pailatala within Baraikhali Union under Morrelganj Upazila in the district on Friday early hours as a result of prevailing enmity between the father of the children and his opponents over land properties.
They are” Sirajul (11) and Riazul (8), son of one Babu Howladar of the village.
Sourse added that father of the deceased at the night after taking their supper they (sons) went to their grand mother’s adjacent residence and fell asleep on her bed. In the morning the grand mother woke up, but she did not find her grand sons on the bed. Then she began to search and found their dead bodies floating in a ditch, adjacent to the residence and cried out loudly.
