Two killed in Syria as Israel missile strikes


An Israeli missile strike on an airbase in central Syria has killed two Damascus-allied foreign fighters and wounded several Syrian service personnel, a Britain-based war monitor said on Saturday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the two foreigners were killed in the raid on the T4 airbase late Friday, but their nationality was not immediately clear.
The official Syrian news agency SANA earlier said that, “at around 9:00 pm (1800 GMT), the Israeli enemy… fired a volley of missiles towards the T4military airport”. “The aggression wounded six soldiers and led to some material damage,” it added. The Observatory said the attack targeted a drone depot at the base. Contacted by AFP, an Israeli army spokesperson said the military did not comment on foreign media reports.
The Israeli army rarely acknowledges individual strikes but has said repeatedly that it will not allow Syria to become a stronghold of its arch-foe Iran.
