Two killed in ‘gunfight’ with RAB


Staff Reporter :
Two unidentified men have been killed in a ‘gunfight’ with members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) at Banasree of Rampura in the city early Sunday.
RAB claimed that the two were ‘miscreants’. Two members of the elite force also sustain injuries during the gunfight.
Identity of the deceased, aged between 35 and 40 years, could not be known while the injured are RAB members Mohammad Anis and Mohammad Monir.
RAB primarily suspected that the deceased were carrying out terror activities in the guise of Detective Branch (DB) of police.
RAB-3 operation officer Saiful Islam said, RAB personnel intercepted an X Corolla brand private car while it was crossing a check-post in front of Banasree Ideal School and College around 3:00am.
As the car did not stop, RAB chased it on suspicion. At one stage, the miscreants began firing on lawmen, RAB retaliated with gunshots in self-defense, leaving two car riders bullet-injured, he added.
One of the three riders escaped the scene, leaving the car.
RAB also recovered two foreign-made pistols, two magazines, six rounds of bullet, a pistol cover, two sets of DB clothes, a walky-talky and a set of handcuff from inside the car.
The two RAB members, who sustained injuries during the firing, were given primary treatment at a city hospital.
RAB suspected that the gang might carry out terror activities in the guise of DB members.
They might have been involved in different kidnapping incidents, RAB are looking into the matter, the RAB also suspected.
Rampura police outpost Sub-Inspector Sudhon Chandra said, being informed from RAB, police rushed the injured persons to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) where doctor declared them dead around 4:00am.
