Minor Girl Killing: Two held on suspicion

Chittagong Correspondent :
Police detained two suspected persons here accused of killing a minor girl at the EPZ area Saturday morning. Sub-Inspector Shafiqul, Investigation Officer (IO) of the case, said, “We detained two suspected persons accused of killing a minor girl from the same area where we found the body on Friday last.” We cannot disclose their name due to secrecy.” he added.
Meanwhile, police on Friday morning recovered a body of an eight-year-old girl from a ditch at the EPZ area. The deceased was identified as Tania, daughter of Haful Miah, a class one student in a local school.
She had been missing since Thursday night and her body was found inside a sack while it was floating. Body of Tania, who lived with her maternal uncle’s house in Narikeltala area under EPZ thana, was dumped in a ditch near her uncle’s house.
The IO said the girl was strangled to death and had injury marks on her body that was sent to Chittagong Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy.