Two get life-term jail for murdering after rape in Tangail

UNB, Tangail :
A court here today sentenced two people to life-term imprisonment for murdering a woman after rape in Kalihati upazila in 2016.
Judge of Tangail Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal Khaleda Yasmin handed down the verdict to Nur Mohammod Nuru, 65, a resident at Kalihati upazila and Najma, 32, an inhabitant in Bashail upazila of the district.
The court also fined them Taka 1 lakh each.
According to the prosecution, the victim Asha, 17, went missing from Enayetpur in Tangail town on October 18 in 2016. Following her missing Asha’s father Abdul Alim filed a case accusing unidentified persons with Kalihati Thana. Investigative Officer of the case arrested Najma, who helped Nuru raping and killing, after mobile phone tracking. Police later arrested Nuru
Mohammod according to her confessional statement.
Najma and Nuru said to the police they kidnapped Asha from Enayetpur and brought her to a beel (water body) at Dhangara village in Kalihati upazila.
Nuru rapped Asha with the help of Najma two times before strangled her to death. Police pressed the charge sheet on May 31,2017.