Two drug dealers arrested in Cox’s Bazar with 1 .70 lakh Yaba pills

Members of RAB-15 arrested two drug dealers with one lakh seventy thousand pieces of Yaba tablets from Cox's Bazar on Friday.
Members of RAB-15 arrested two drug dealers with one lakh seventy thousand pieces of Yaba tablets from Cox's Bazar on Friday.
Cox’sBazar Correspondent :
In the Cox’s Bazar , Rapid Action Battalion (RAB-15) arrested two drug dealers, including one lakh 70 thousand pieces of Yaba worth 8 crore 50 lakh taka on Friday.
Drug dealer named Md Rabiul Alam (31) and Mohammad Abacher Uddin (16,) were detained after raiding the Ward No. 5 in Tarabnewarchara.
Arrested are Md Rabiul Alam (31), son of Abul Sama and Rambahar of ledha Teknaf, and Md. Abacher Uddin, 16, son of Md. Helal Uddin and Rabeya Begum of nhilla Rangikhali of Teknaf.
Md. Mahmudul Hasan Mamun (Assistant Police Super) of RAB-15 informed this .
RAB-15 said, on the basis of secret information, it can be found that some drug dealers are staying in the house of Haji Danu Alam of Ward No 5 at Tarabnararra under Cox’s Bazar for the purchase of a large quantity of Yaba tablets.
Based on the report, on June 14, RAB Major Md. Mehdi Hassan and ASP Mohammad Shah Alam led the drive in the house and arrested the two drug dealers Md. Rabiul Alam (31) and Mohammad Abacher Uddin (16). The drug businessman Deen Mohammad of Cox’s Bazar district of Jilangara managed to escape.
Later, one lakh 70 thousand pistachio yaba tablets were recovered after searching the white-colored bags in the hands of the locals.
RAB-15 also said in the message that in order to take the next legal action related to the arrested accused and rescued goods, the transfer has been handed over to the Sadar Police Station of Cox’s Bazar and the attempts to arrest the absconding accused are on , police said