Two-day Rotary Int’l confce concludes


A two-day Rotary International Conference was concluded at Dhaka on Friday. Emeritus Professor of Dhaka University Dr. Anisuzzaman was the chief guest and Past District Governor of India Rotary Debashis Mitra was the special guest in the conference. Presided over by conference Chairman Syed Ershad Ahmed, Rotary Governor Ghulam Mustafa spoke on this occasion. The conference was also addressed, among others, by Safina Rahman (Governor Elect), SAM Sakawat Hossain (Governor Nominee), Former Governors, Rotary Secretary Rakib Sarder & Conference Secretary Ashrafuzzaman Nannu.
Prof. Anisuzzaman told in the conference that rotary has earned reputation from the world for its work for the distressed people. Devasish Mitra said that speed of the rotary activities will be strengthened. Governor Ghulam Mustafa told thousand of people in Bangladesh benefitted by Rotary and its slogan is “Let us go to the roots”.
