Two Ctg confectionery manufacturers fined


Chattogram Bureau :
Two confectionery manufacturers have been fined Tk 70,000 for making and selling foods in an unhealthy and dirty environment in Raozan upazila sadar in North chattogram yesterday . During this time adulterated food products were destroyed. Raozan Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jonaid Kabir Sohag conducted the operation from morning till noon on Thursday (December 2). It is learned that Nurjahan Bakery at Nandipara and Munsirghata Nurjahan Supershop of Raozan pourasava area were fined Tk 50,000 for adulteration of food products, serving food in unhealthy and dirty environment, keeping expired and unauthorized food products. Besides, a fine of Tk 20,000 was levied from Dhaka Bread Bakery in Janalihat. Raozan Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jonaid Kabir Sohag told New Nation that two bakery & confectioners have been fined Tk 70,000 under the Consumer Rights Act for preparing and selling foods in an unhealthy and unhygienic environment, UNO sources said.
