Two convicted with death penalty


A court in Chittagong convicted two accused with death penalty for killing a n employee of Rural Electrification Board and three acquitted from the charge.
 Judge of Public Safety Tribubal, Chittagong Md. Mominullah announced this verdict yesterday. The convicted are Didarul Alam(50) and Zakir hossain (50). The acquitted are Mozzafar, Taher and Kawser.
 Court sources said, REB employee Shariful Alam was killed by two of his accomplices at Satkania with stabling near Nandana Dighi of Satkanai Kanchana union . REB employee was picked up from Chandanaish in a microbus with lame excuse of going to a marriage ceremony in Satkania .
 The body of the deceased was thrown away in the killing spot and later police recovered the body following the information of the local people. Later police submitted charge sheet against 5 persons before the court on October 30, 2011 and after hearing the depositions of 16 witnesses, the court announced this verdict yesterday.
