Two children roasted alive in Chitalmari


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Two children were roasted alive when a fire broke out in the village Ghona under Chitalmari Upazila in the district on Friday afternoon.
 Locals said that on the day at 3 pm the fire originated from a kitchen belonging to one Khokon Shaikh of the village spread to its adjacent dwelling house where his two children were sleeping.
 At that time no other members of the house were present. As a resujlt,the fire went out of the control without any resistance and engulfed the house within moments. On seeing the flame of fire the neighbouring people rushed to the spot and tried their best to extinguish the fire, but in vain. As a result both the dwelling house and the kitchen with their all belongings were burnt to ashes and the 2 children were roasted alive.
 This tragic incident caste a shadow of sorrows on the locality. Being informed of the matter Dilip Kumar Sarkar, Officer-in-Charge of Chitalmari PS visited the place of occurrence. He disclosed that an investigation should be done in order to ascertain the cause of the fire.
