Two children raped in city: 1 held

Staff Reporter :
At least two children allegedly have been raped in the city’s Mohammadpur and Kawran Bazaar areas as reported yesterday.
The victims were sent to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) and Tejgaon Victim Support Center in the capital respectively, law enforcing officials said.
The members of law enforcing agencies arrested an young man in this connection, RAB official said.
In Mohammadpur, a seven-year-old girl was raped by a driver in a house in the area.
The victim’s father claimed that the driver Amirul reportedly raped her daughter in a house in the area two days ago on Wednesday.
He complained that the victim was admitted in the hospital at DMCH after her condition deteriorated.
But the doctors claimed the incident will would become clear whether it is rape or other after he medical test.
The driver was absconding till filing of the report last night.
Meanwhile, a three-year-girl was allegedly raped by an youth in the city’s Kawran Bazar area on Thursday afternoon.
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) have arrested the youth in this connection in the small hours of Friday, said Maruf Ahmed, Operation Officer of RAB-2.
The arrested youth was identified as Rasel, 14, the RAB official said.
The youth was being interrogated in this connection, he said.