Two bodies recovered in Barishal city

Barishal Correspondent :
Two dead bodies of a neonatal and female community medical officer were recovered from two different places of the city on Sunday.
Chopped dead body of Marufa Begum (41), a Sub Assistant Community Medical Officer was found from her rental house at Lutfor Rahman Road under Airport police station of the city on Sunday noon.
Police recovering the dead body Sunday afternoon sent to Barishal Sher- E -Bangla Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Jahangir Mallik, Deputy Commissioner (north) of Barishal Metropolitan Police (BMP) said husband of the deceased Zahirul Haidar Chowdhury working at Dhaka and she living at that house since last seven years.
The neighbours and house owner informed the police as room of the victims locked from inside but no response was received even after repeated calling till late morning. Later police rushed to the spot entered the room breaking the door and found the dead body.
Several injuries found in the head of the victim, said Sub Inspector Aurobinda Biswas, second officer of Airport police station of BMP.
Besides dead body of a neonatal boy recovered from a canal at Palashpur cluster village (no.8) under Kawnia police station of BMP on Sunday afternoon.
Sub Inspector Selim Reza of the police station said after receiving information police rushed to the spot and recovering the dead boy sent to SBMCH morgue for autopsy.
