Two babies die falling into gutter

UNB, Dinajpur :
Two toddlers met tragic deaths after falling into a gutter near their house at Khansama Upazila in Dinajpur on Saturday morning.
The deceased were identified as 19 month-old Juthi Rani Roy, daughter of Tapos Chandra Roy and her cousin 15-month old Niloy Chandra Roy, son of Shaymol Chandra Roy of Kedarpara village in Khansama Upazila.
Neighbors said, the went outside their house while Juthi’s mother was busy working in the kitchen around 8:30 am. As the anxious family members started searching for them, they spotted the children inside a gutter made for disposing of waste water near a tube-well of their house and rescued them. After they were rushed to the Pakerhat Health Complex, doctors declared them dead. Bhabki UP chairman Md Safiqul Islam confirmed the matter.