Twin disasters spark Malaysia Airlines crew resignations


AFP, Kuala Lumpur :
Nearly 200 cabin crew have resigned from Malaysia Airlines which was hit by two deadly tragedies this year, the carrier said Tuesday (Aug 26), and some reportedly cited fears for their safety.
The flag carrier, which prior to this year had a good safety record, has been in the spotlight in the past six months following the disappearance of flight MH370 on March 8 and the shooting down of MH17 on July 17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine.
The airline said 186 crew had left in the first seven months of this year, with many blaming family pressure prompted by the tragedies.
“Following the MH17 incident, there was a spike in crew resignations but the number has now decreased to acceptable and routinely expected levels,” it said in a statement. “Many cited ‘family pressure’ as the reason for their resignation due to the MH17 and MH370 tragedies.”
Abdul Malek Ariff, secretary-general of the employees union, said some “are now are afraid to fly”. Abdul Malek, quoted by the Edge Financial daily Monday, also said crew shortages were forcing staff to work up to 12 hours a day. The union represents about 8,000 of Malaysia Airlines’ 19,500-strong workforce.
The carrier said it was providing emotional and psychological support to its staff. The two aviation tragedies killed 537 people including 27 crew members.
