TV show inspired him to kill her sister-in-law

UNB, Chattogram :
A 22-year-old man, who killed his sister-in-law for refusing to give him money, confessed to investigators that he planned the murder watching Indian television series ‘Crime Patrol’ that narrates real-life stories of kidnappings and homicides.
Limon’s sister-in-law Hasina Begum, 32, a garment worker, was found dead on February 8 at her rented house at Kalihat. Her husband is a Saudi expatriate and their only son Abir Hossain, 12, stays at a madrasah in Pahartoli area.
“Md Farhad Hossain Limon’s planning was inspired by ‘Crime Patrol’,” Amena Begum, additional police commissioner of Chattogram Metropolitan Police, told the media on Monday.
The youth was arrested after Hasina’s brother filed a case with Akbar Shah police. A court gave investigators five days to interrogate him in custody on February 9.
Limon told police that he was a regular viewer of ‘Crime Patrol’ which showed various case studies of murders. He said he planned to make the murder look like a theft case.
Limon, son of Abul Kashem Patwari of Paikpara area of Chandpur, lived in the same building as Hasina. He sought money from his sister-in-law but she declined.
Quoting Limon, police said he went to Hasina’s house on February 7 in the pretext of watching television after she returned from work. Hasina slept in her bedroom after finishing household chores where Limon strangled her to death.
After the murder, he took the gold ornaments and mobile phone and dragged her body to the drawing room before fleeing.
Limon claimed that Hasina usually did not help him financially which made him angry to the extent that he murdered her finally.