Operation of NCT: Tussle of minister, MPs & AL leaders may take serious turn

Sarwaruddin, Chittagong :
The ongoing tussle between the leaders between the leaders of senior Awami League leaders and the concerned ruling party minister and the members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Shipping Ministry may take serious turn centring the operation of New Mooring Container Terminal(NCT) of Chittagong Port by a private berth operator.
Basically in most issues of the port the tussle is sighted among the ruling party leaders recently. Last threat of siege , gherao etc by Bandar Rakkha Parishad(BRP) led by former city mayor and City AL President ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury against Saif Power Tech and the Chittagong Port Authority(CPA) was announced at a largely attended press conference held recently in front of Chittagong Press Club .
According to port users and the business community leaders of Chittagong , any sorts of instability in port activities , the reputation of the port will be ruined in international arena as well as to hamper the national economy. So far better national interests, Prime Minister’s intervention in CPA ongoing uncertainty is essential, port users observed. Chittagong port is a 12 7 years old which was grown up at the estuary of river Karnaphuli which is now the main centre for imports and exports trade and the main revenue provider of the national exchequer of the country .The 90 percent import, exports trade are conducted through this port, PUF said. At present Chittagong Port is one of the globally recognized sea port, a port sources said. A reliable sources said BRP , a conglomeration of a number of port workers trade bodies was formed headed by former City Mayor ABM Mohiuddin chowdhury as convenor. BRP launched movement against the irregularities of CPA centring the appointment of a private berth operator Saif Power Tec from July last. BRP demanded abrogation of all black deals with the Saif Power and to declare black listed in CP with slogans of ‘Resi st Saif Power, Save Port’ To press home their demands, BRP enforced rallies, meetings,hu man chains, hunger strike, wearing of black badge and public meeting etc from last 5 months and finally hold public meeting at Laldighi Maidan on September 10 last.
 For new series series of movement against CPA and Saif Power , BRP arranged last press meet on Monday last in Chittagong. Following the ultiimatum of BRP in Laldighi meeting with 10-points demand, concerned minister earmarked the movement of BRP as a port unstable movement duly inspired by a vested quarters. On the other hand PSC of the concerned ministry cri ticised the movement of Mohiuddin Chowdhury under the banner of BRP . In the last meeting of PSC on September 11 last, the committee members disclosed the journalists that Ctg Port achieved the recognition of globally standard sea port during the regime present govt but city AL President Mohiuddin Chowdhury being inspired by a vested quarters launched anti-govt movement which is repugnant to national interests. Sources said Mohiuddin Chowdhury in a urgent letter to the PSC on October 25 last proposed for open discussions over the opration of NCT in presence of two ministers of Chittagong and the journos. Following the letter of Mohiuddin Chowdhury , concerned Minister asked the CPA Advisory committee to discuss the matter in presence of two ministers of Chittagong and the media representatives which was rejected by the BRP Convenor in his last press meet on Monday last.
President of Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mahbubul Alam told the New Nation that CP is the centre point of national economy and lion share of national revenue comes through this port. He said any unstable situation in this port will jeopardize the economy of the country as well as well will damage the achieved re;putation of the port abroad.
 He said NCT was built 7 years ago but yet to be operated in ful swing due to undue complications. A responsible official of Bangaldesh Freight Forwarding Association said Chittagong Port is the working force of national economy which is recognized as globally importance sector. Any unwanted situation over Chittagong Port will jeopardize the national interests. He also sought direct intervention of the Prime Minister on overall smooth functioning of the port. He said PM in his election pledge committed to undergo the development activities of Chittagong on her own shoulder which was also reiterated in her visit in Chittagong on Wednesday last.
Besides, the CPA in a recent meeting decided to appoint separate berth operators for each berth of the NCT from next January and process for inviting the tenders is underway, a port sources said.
 On the other hand, Parliamentary standing committee in their recent comment said as per directives of the PSC , the NCT operation will be undertaken which is contradictory .
BRP is adamant to declare the Saif Power as black listed operator in the port and new berth operators to be appointed as per procurement policy of the govt.