Turkish new govt faces security, economic challenges

Xinhua, Ankara :
Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), which won a landslide victory in Sunday’s election, is facing a series of security and economic challenges.
“One of the most important issues the new government will have to tackle is battling with the threat of terrorism that has claimed hundreds of lives since July,” Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-
based Gazi University, told Xinhua.
He pointed out that security concerns will inevitably influence the economy, exerting a negative impact on the confidence of investors and consumers.
“It has to be an overall and comprehensive approach by the incoming government in a way that will address all these challenges at the same time,” he added.
The interim-government, mostly staffed by the AKP members, also signaled that
their priorities will be on security and economic reforms.
“Our effective fight against terror will go on with the same determination,” Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan vowed Tuesday, when a cross-border air
campaign was staged on the hideouts of the outlawed Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) militants in Northern Iraq.
The settlement process, jointly launched by the Turkish government and the PKK
in 2012 to end the three-decade-long conflict, was suspended as the PKK refused to disarm and started attacking on the Turkish security forces in July, killing
150 security members in the fresh clashes.
Violent elements that had poisoned the settlement process must be taken out before the settlement talks are put back on track, Akdogan stressed after the election.