Turkish FM Simsek defends Twitter ban


BBC Online :
Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek has defended his government’s ban on Twitter, accusing the website of failing to comply with court orders.
 Simsek told the BBC that no company should see itself as above the law.
The government banned the website on Friday, after users shared information about allegations of corruption against high-level officials.
Analysts say web users have found many ways of circumventing the ban, which was widely criticised.
Twitter has so far made no public comment on the ban, but the company on Friday posted a message in both English and Turkish telling users how to send tweets via text messages.
There are estimated to be about 10 million Twitter users in Turkey.
 Simsek, who accepted that banning social-media sites “doesn’t reflect well” on his government, insisted that the ban was not a crackdown on free speech.
