Turkey ruling party weighs options after election blow

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) shakes hands with a girl after voting in Turkey's general election at a polling station in Istanbul on Sunday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) shakes hands with a girl after voting in Turkey's general election at a polling station in Istanbul on Sunday.
AFP, Istanbul :
Turkey’s Islamic-rooted ruling party on Monday weighed its future strategy after losing its absolute parliament majority for the first time since winning power 13 years ago, in a stunning election setback for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) won the biggest portion of the vote in Sunday’s legislative polls but came well short of a majority in seats due to a breakthrough showing by the the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP).
Erdogan – who has dominated Turkey as premier from 2003-2014 and as now president – had been urging the AKP to win a crushing majority to create a presidential system with him at the top.
Following AKP’s stunning defeat, the country faced weeks of political uncertainty and early elections were a real possibility, Turkish opposition and anti-government newspapers agreed Monday. “Three possibilities,” said the Hurriyet Daily in its headline, saying there could be a coalition, a minority AKP government or early elections.
“A new era,” said the headline in the Milliyet Daily. “The collapse,” added the strongly anti-Erdogan Sozcu. “Voters showed Tayyip the red card.” The pro-government Yeni Safak said early elections were the most likely option. “The possibilities of a coalition are weak and an early election is on the horizon,” it said. Official results based on 99.99 per cent of votes counted put the AKP on 41pc, followed by the Republican People’s Party (CHP) on 25pc, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on 16pc and the HDP in fourth place with 13pc.
Turnout stood at 86.5pc.
The result marked a major drop in support for the AKP – which in the last polls in 2011 won almost 50 percent of the vote – against the background of a weakening economy.
According to official projections, the AKP will have 258 seats in the 550-seat parliament, the CHP 132, and the MHP and HDP 80 apiece.
The results wrecked Erdogan’s dream of agreeing a new constitution to switch Turkey from a parliamentary to a presidential system that he had made a fundamental issue in the campaign.