Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria cooperate for power project


Xinhua, Istanbul :
Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria will cooperate on electricity project under an agreement concluded last week, according to a statement by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources on Monday.
The statement said that the memorandum was signed during the Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yilmaz’s visit to Bucharest at the end of the January.
Under the “backup power” projects, Turkey will be able to possess an extra 1,800- megawatts of electrical capacity that will be received from Romania. Currently, Ankara receives electricity via cables between Turkey and Bulgaria with a capacity of 500-megawatts.
“The projects that we are working with Romania and Bulgaria are part of our policy about the diversification of resources and routes in the energy sector,” the energy minister said.
The new projects will make the exchange of electricity among Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey possible. The countries’ main electricity companies will conduct feasibility studies and will hold regular meetings, Yilmaz said.
Recently, bad winter weather conditions caused blackouts across Turkey while the authorities attempted to equalize the power. The blackouts caused serious disruption in the manufacturing sector especially in the country’s most industrialized region of Marmara.
Turkey has long been suffering from serious power shortages in the region where the electric consumption is very high and harsh winters have increased Turkey’s natural gas consumption forcing the country to seek alternative sources. With this project Turkey hopes to end the blackouts especially in its biggest city Istanbul, which houses a population of 14 million.
After the completion of the project, Turkey will be able to create a backup power with a capacity of 2,800-megawatts. Turkey’s biggest dam Ataturk has a capacity of 2,400 megawatts while its second biggest dam Karakaya has 1,800 megawatts.
