Tunisia holds emergency cabinet meeting after curfew


AL Jazeera News :Tunisia’s Prime Minister Habib Essid has held an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss a wave of protests and rioting over growing unemployment.The meeting on Saturday came a day after the government declared a nationwide curfew after four days of violence.”People should understand that we can reach a solution yet this requires a great amount of patience and positiveness. And as I said, many dark ideologies are taking advantage of the peaceful demonstrations and the enthusiasm of many youth.” Essid told a press conference.”Many enemies do not wish to Tunisia or Tunisians successful. They feel undermine by the democratic process. They are doing all they can to disturb the harmony of our democracy and the historic transition period Tunisia has seen. The transition is inevitable. The transition is irreversible.” Essid added.Al Jazeera’s Hashem Ahelbarra, reporting from Tunis, said that thousands of dissatisfied people have taken to the streets in recent days, demanding immediate action against unemployment and poor economic conditions.”They say we voted for this government because we had hopes that this government would tackle corruption, poverty and offer job opportunities for almost a million unemployed Tunisians,” he said.”We know that the government does not have the funds … [and the] capabilities to tackle this particular issue, so it’s going to be an extremely delicate situation for the political elite in the near future.”Protests over unemployment in Tunisia, which started in the western Kasserine province, intensified and spread to other parts of the country on Thursday.On Friday, President Beji Caid Essebsi said in a televised address that the government would put a programme in place to try to ease the jobless rate.He also warned that members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in neighbouring Libya may use the unrest in Tunisia to sneak into the country.France has said it will provide $1.1bn over five years to help Tunisia deal with its transition to democracy, President Francois Hollande said on Friday.Ahelbarra said the only option for the Tunisian government at the moment is to ask for more international support to prevent a further descent toward more instability”This is exactly why president Essebsi yesterday was stressing the fact that groups like ISIL are seizing the opportunity to try to further destabilise Tunisia,” he said.”But the problem that you have here in the country is that people are waiting for immediate decisions to be taken by the government.”
