Tulip expecting first girl child

bdnews24.com :
Britain’s Labour MP Tulip Siddiq and her husband Chris Percy are expecting their first child in April, media reports say.
The 33-year-old and her husband went to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead and learnt that they would be the parents of a girl, Camden New Journal has reported. Tulip, granddaughter of Bangladesh’s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was elected to the House of Commons in May as the first new MP for Hampstead in 23 years.
“Chris and myself are absolutely delighted. It’s a different sort of challenge
 but one we are excited about,” the journal quoted her as saying. She has also decided on a name for her yet-to-be born child.
“With my name Tulip, we thought it would be nice to think of a flower for her name.”
Niece of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and daughter of Bangabandhu’s younger daughter Sheikh Rehana, Tulip says she has made plans on how to bring up her child.
“…I will not be having a lot of time off. There is a nursery at the House of Commons and we’ve looked around it, and it’s very nice,” she was quoted as saying. “But Chris has said he will change his working patterns to work around mine.”
Tulip said, she had been told how having a baby and rearing it would be harder than winning an election.
“I definitely couldn’t have done this while campaigning,” she said. She has spoken with some MPs who became mothers during their terms in office and will “use their experience” while bringing up her girl.
Tulip married Percy in 2013 when she was a councillor for Regents Park. She said she wants her child to be born at the Royal Free Hospital.
“What I’m really happy about is that I will be having her locally at the Royal Free,” she was quoted as saying by Camden New Journal. “The nurses and doctors have been so supportive.”
She had tweeted about being “ill” in August but was seen working in September.