Trump`s White House in disarray


Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
Amidst investigation of Russia’s relations with campaign officials of Donald Trump during election campaign firing of FBI Director James Comey on 8 May by President Donald Trump has caused discomfort in US administration. President said that he fired FBI Director on the recommendation of Attorney General Sessions, who recused from investigation of relations between Trump election officials and Russia and the Deputy Attorney General. The firing of FBI Director came amidst of seeking further money from the Department of Justice for continuing investigation, according to AP but a spokesperson in Justice Department denied such request by FBI Director. But Senator Dianne Feinstein of Democrat disclosed that I understand that there have been additional requests. In recent past US intelligence community has accused Moscow of carrying out a campaign of cyber attacks against Democratic political institutions to influence American election, leaking stolen material to be published on websites through WikiLeaks.
Against the backdrop of firings of acting Attorney General Sally Yates and US attorney Preet Bharara from investigating Russian collusion and interference now firing of FBI Director raised eyebrow in the congress. At least dozen Republican Senators and a number of Democrat Senators have accused the President of such unprecedented act. Republican Senator who chairs Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr is on record by saying the timing of this action and reasoning for it does not make sense to me while Chairman of Armed Service Committee of the Senate Senator John McCain of the Republican said that he was “disappointed in the President’s decisions to remove James Comey from office. James Comey is a man of honor and integrity and he has led FBI well in extraordinary circumstances”. Republican Senator Marco Rubio whom President Donald Trump cultivated after occupying the White House has this to say: “I do have questions about why he was dismissed at this time given his service and performances.” On the other hand, Democrat Senators in one voice demanded establishing separate independent council to investigate involvement of Russian interference during Presidential elections of the United States. Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell blasted President Donald Trump for firing James Comey and called it the “Tuesday afternoon Massacre”. In 1973 President Richard Nixon did the same thing as did Donald Trump. Richard Nixon fired those who were investigating the Watergate scandal. His efforts resulted in the so-called Saturday Night massacres that saw two Justice dDepartment’s officials and a special prosecutor resigned. President did not escape wrath of lawmakers and some how President Nixon dodged investigation of the House of representatives which had begun on 27 July of 1974 but avoided Senate trial and resigned from presidentship on 8 May of 1974.
Since there is no response from Majority leader of the Senate McConnell of the Republican for formation of independent investigation into Russia’s meddling in internal affairs of the United States Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein invoked a rule that prevents committee hearings for two hours after the Senate convenes on 10 May. However, Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee invited former FBI Director James Comey to testify before the Committee on 16 May while acting Director of FBI Andrew McCabe at the hearing in front of Senate Intelligence Committee on 11 May categorically defended integrity of former Director of FBI James Comey and insisted investigation of Russian involvement in internal affair of US during presidential election would not be affected. In fact acting Director of FBI refuted allegation of President against former Director of FBI.
Meanwhile, Senate Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena to former National Security advisor of President Donald Trump, retired Gen. Michael Flynn to turn over documents related to the panel’s probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, including possible ties between Russian administration and the presidential campaigns.
As of now crisis has deepened around the White House as Democrats continue to demand appointing special prosecutor to lead Russian involvement in internal affairs of the United States. Clearly, the White House is still in disarray even after first hundred days of President Trumps’ self claimed hey-days there.
(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh, writes from Virginia)
