Trump`s threat to the free world`s hope

NOT even three months into the presidency, the much anticipated populist and radical vision of US domestic and foreign policy has raised the burning question – whether the United States can any longer lead the free world or not. Apparently, for decades, the United States had actively cooperated with other Western democracies to boost world trade, spread prosperity, and fight totalitarianism by setting up a whole alphabet of organizations like the UN, the EU, the WTO, and the IMF. In many cases it succeeded while in many cases it failed, but sincere efforts to promote liberal political viewpoints never stopped. But the new US President is about to evidently bring the core values of the free world crashing down by raising tariffs barriers, criticizing the EU and NATO, castigating allies while offering remarkably consistent praise for the reactionary Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

This change is not only unprecedented but also an audacious attempt to establish a new world order based on extreme populist belief, hostile foreign policies and racism ultimately leading to a global division. A clear example in this regard is the Trump administration’s standpoint on Muslims and also the so-called Islamic State or ISIS. Without a hint of doubt, Mr. Trump has been painting the two with the same brush, whereas, one is a religion of peace while the other is a terrorist organisation without any official recognition of any independent state. Moreover, his detestable attempt to combat terrorism by loathing innocent Muslims of several countries from entering his country also conveys a dangerous message – the world’s only official super power which so far have championed to endorse tolerance, democratic values, secularism while ensuring to practice all religious beliefs – is finally about to take an alternate destructive course. We expect the Americans to realise – it is not only the American hope for the free world that is at stake, but also the collective international dream for the free world is fast sinking.

There are enough reasons to fear that with the continuity of more hostile executive orders Mr. Trump may directly threat global peace. His sudden announcement for an alarming rise in US defence budget by as much as 10 percent is a clear indication of potential military conflicts to take place around the Middle East and South-China sea regions. Following this particular announcement China too has increased its defence budget by 7 percent straight. Russia and European powers are likely to follow suit. Such unanticipated increases in defence budgets have already given rise to a geo-political tension sending shockwaves across the globe.


We also mark how the Russian leadership meddled in the last US elections while deeply influencing Mr. Trump to resort to more nationalist policies. This is straightaway unacceptable. Thinking deeply, the Russian attempts are also meant to indirectly tarnish the spirit of over six-decade old free-world thinking.

Nevertheless, in a very meaningful democracy like America all hope is yet not gone. We believe, the general public who brought Trump to office can also stop him from harming free-spirited and free-thinking American people, but in the global stage countries like Germany, France, UK and also China should be united to thwart the Trumpisation of the vile populist global politics.

That said, the bottom-line is – Mr. Trump must be stopped from causing harm to the US and to the free world by subverting great American ideas of humanity and freedom. It is more than clear that President Trump is a close ally of Russia.
