Trump’s tariffs may hit consumer products

Reuters :
US consumers may be about to directly feel the effects of the trade fight started by US President Trump with China and other countries this year when a new list of Chinese imports to be taxed is announced in coming days.
After imposing import tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in January, Trump moved to levy steel and aluminium in March along with about $50 billion in other goods.
After China responded with a list of US goods that would be subject to tariffs, Trump raised the stakes on Apr 4 by directing the US Trade Representative to consider $100 billion in additional levies.
But a Reuters analysis of Chinese imports shows that to quickly reach $100 billion worth of goods to tax, Trump may have to target cellphones, computers, toys, clothing, footwear, furniture and other consumer goods, prompting price rises at US retailers.
“There is no way to avoid consumer products when you’re thinking about how to hit $100 billion worth of imports coming from China,” said Hun Quach, vice president of international trade for the Retail Industry Leaders Association which represents US retailers.
How much the news tariffs would hit wallets depends on variables that make calculating the impact of the tariffs on individual products hard to measure. Companies can absorb some of the costs, and some companies can shift production in China to other countries, cutting the final bill for America’s shoppers.
After washing machines imported by LG Electronics’ were hit with a 20 percent tariff in January, the company raised US prices by about $50 per machine, or 4 percent to 8 percent.
A truck transporting imported raw materials of industrial chemicals is seen at a port in Qingdao, Shandong province, China April 15, 2018. Reuters A truck transporting imported raw materials of industrial chemicals is seen at a port in Qingdao, Shandong province, China April 15, 2018. Reuters LG opted to absorb part of the tariff cost, which was imposed at a time when construction was already well underway on its new US factory that will begin producing washers in late 2018, avoiding US tariffs.
Companies with complex supply chains, mainly those in high technology industries, can also change how their internal costs are charged among subsidiaries to lower their tariff bill.
Trump’s first round of import tariffs deliberately left most consumer electronics untouched, but out of the $506 billion in US imports from China last year, finding another $100 billion to tax without hurting US shoppers will not be easy.
The USTR could quickly find $100 billion but at the cost of targeting three broad categories of consumer electronics – cellphones at $44 billion, computer equipment at $37 billion, and voice, image and data recorders at $22 billion.
US supply chains would also be hurt as many consumer electronics products depend on the export of American semiconductors, software and other inputs to China for assembly before being imported back to the United States.
US allies South Korea, Japan and Taiwan also supply cellphone parts for companies like Apple Inc, including displays, cameras and fingerprint scanners, and would feel the impact.
“You end up shooting yourself in the foot, shooting your allies in the foot, and maybe you wound China’s big toe,” said Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.