Trump’s approval rating plunges to new low in latest poll

The Independent :
Donald Trump’s handling of the Russia investigation has pushed him towards an even lower approval rating, a new poll has found.
A CBS survey of more than 1,000 adults across the US discovered that just 36 per cent approve of the President, five months into his first term, the lowest point recorded so far.
One catalyst for those relatively poor ratings is the on-going investigation into ties between Russia and his administration before the election. CBS found that a third of Americans disproved of the President’s approach to the issue – Mr Trump has repeatedly called the investigation “fake news” and a “witch hunt” and fired James Comey, former director of the FBI, who was leading the investigation.
Despite the President speaking against Special Counsel prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is now leading the Russia investigation, more than half of those surveyed – 56 per cent – believe Mr Mueller is impartial and should be allowed to act unhindered.
Mr Trump appeared to have confirmed that he was being investigated for links to Russia himself when he tweeted about Mr Mueller: “I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt.”