Trump will be a one-term President: Sanders

AP, New York :
Promising to “expose the Republican Party for what it is,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders predicted Wednesday that President Donald Trump would be a one-term president as the liberal icon prepared to launch a nationwide tour to rally Democrats.
“In terms of the first three months in office, Donald Trump is the least popular president in the history of polling,” Sanders told The Associated Press. He cited the Republican president’s support for a health care bill that he said strips insurance from millions of Americans, tax reform that cuts taxes for the rich and budget cuts that disproportionately affect the poor.
“I do not believe that if Trump continues these policies that he’s going to be re-elected. Nor do I think that the Republicans are going to do well in 2018,” Sanders said. “The momentum right now is with the progressive movement in this country. And I think the Republicans are on the defensive and will be on the defensive increasingly.” The comments come as Sanders prepares to launch a tour next week with Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez that includes visits to some tossup and Republican-leaning states where Democrats struggled in the last election.