Trump tweet trolls Biden’s apology on touching

AFP, Washington :
President Donald Trump on Thursday deployed his trademark blend of crude humor and Twitter to mock potential election rival Joe Biden’s apology for having touched women without permission.
Biden, an undeclared frontrunner for the Democratic nomination to take on Trump in 2020, had earlier tweeted a short video earlier in which he promised to respect “personal space” more in the future.
Trump responded by posting a doctored version of the in which a fake image of Biden creeps up behind the actual Biden and puts his hands on his shoulders.
The joking tweet is in keeping with Trump’s long history of mocking opponents with sexual innuendo, schoolyard-style nicknames, and torrents of tweets.
In September 2017, he retweeted a video splicing footage of him hitting a golf ball and former 2016 presidential opponent Hillary Clinton falling over, so that it seemed she had been knocked down by his ball.
Biden, 76, defended himself over instances where he kissed women on the head or put hands on them, suggesting he was merely affectionate and politics is about “making connections.”
But in the video he said he would be “more mindful about respecting personal space in the future.”
Biden has not declared officially but polls show the former vice president under Barack Obama and longtime senator would be a strong challenger to Trump.