Trump surges, Hillary losing to Sanders in Iowa

AFP, Washington :
Billionaire Donald Trump has extended his lead over the Republican presidential field, while Democratic overall frontrunner Hillary Clinton now trails underdog Bernie Sanders in the key early voting state of Iowa, polls showed Thursday.
The results reinforce a steady trend in the 2016 race: with five months to go before the first primaries, political outsiders — fueled by public anger and impatience with Washington — are rising up against the race’s establishment figures.
That anti-establishment sentiment appears to be hurting Clinton, sitting governors and senators, and dynastic candidate Jeb Bush.
A CNN/ORC poll found Trump surging to 32 per cent support nationally, becoming the first in the broad Republican field to top 30 per cent in the race for the White House.
The brash real estate mogul has gained eight points since August, nearly tripling his backing since shortly after launching his campaign in June. The poll shows Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, rising 10 points to take second place, with 19 per cent.